Tuesday, February 15, 2011

China Death Penalty

     China has a very interesting death penalty, there is 68 different acceptable reasons to give some one capital punishment.  Including anything from tax fraud to murder, given by shooting the prisoner or lethal injection. To even consider giving someone the death penalty for tax fraud or robbery, is quite wrong in my eyes and millions of others.  Yet, no China citizen has really ever gotten a fair trial due to lack of lawyers, being believed to be innocent until proven guilty, and not being able to extract the evidence found while these accused people are being tortured. 
     Due to the fact that they do use what is said while the police officers torture the prisoners, they fess up to certain allegations even if they are not guilty!  This of course gives the courts 'evidence' to prosecute these people, which is not fair what so ever.  Many civilians have attempted to try and get the death penalty abolished, it has never happened.  In 2008 China was the number one country for death penalty occurences with an amount of 1,700 executions.  As China tries to expand what they are doing with their technology, many companies look at the execution rate and realize something needs to be done.  Since China won the 2001 Olympics their government did say that they were going to do something about what was going on inside their legal system.
     The Chinese death policy since 1949 was "kill less, kill cautiously" and did not change up until recently to "preserve the death penalty, but use it cautiously."  Personally, if this is what the United States policy was, I would have been to a different country by now.  What ever people can honestly live under this rule and watch every single little step they make, my heart goes out to them because in my opinion that is cruel and unusual.  Ensuring a good legal system and court policies would be one thing that the chinese could really do to get rid of some of these out-dated ways to execute people.  China needs to wake up and realize what they are doing, and get themselves together...quick!
Shan, Yu. (2008). The death penalty in china. Retrieved from http://www.siiaonline.org/?q=blog/the-death-penalty-china
China: the death penalty, a failure of justice. (2006). Retrieved from http://asiapacific.amnesty.org/apro/aproweb.nsf/pages/appeals_adpan_china

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