Monday, January 31, 2011

Pennsylvania Death Penalty

     For the past couple of days I have been wondering on what rules is the death penalty acceptable? As I researched it a little bit I fell upon a good website which gave me some great information (  Dated back to the 1600s the death penalty was given to just about ANYONE by publicly hanging them, if you committed robbery, rape, piracy, and other crimes. Now, that is a little bit unjust if you ask me
    Finally, some time in the 1793 William Bradford, who was the Attorney General at the time, published an enquiry about the death penalty and how it just did not really help when it came to certain crimes. One year later Pennsylvania finally abolished the public hangings and capital punishment for any crime except murder "in the first degree".  This was the very first time murder had been put into different degrees.
    I believe that making capital punishment only be allowed if that person committed murder is absolutely the right thing to do.  Yet, to not give someone the death penalty if they have murdered someone and "there IQ is to low" is absolutely WRONG. For someone to say they did not know what they were doing when they were brutally murdering someone is horrible.

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